Men in focus: Practitioner reflections – video series 2

6 videos, 6 guides
On this page

    These six practitioner reflection videos celebrate positive practice in the prevention of men’s violence against women when addressing masculinities and working with men and boys. 


    These videos will support you to understand and implement the principles and approaches in Men in focus. The videos are designed to:

    • help you prepare yourself to do this work
    • improve on what you're already doing
    • reflect on your own concious and unconcious biases
    • show you examples of positive role models and more respectful ways of being a man.

    These videos provide practice approaches and examples from expert primary prevention and early intervention practitioners in Australia. The professional and personal reflections capture how each practitioner embeds primary prevention principles into their work while simultaneously working effectively with men and boys. 

    Find the playlist with all videos on YouTube here. The videos below have closed captions and have transcripts available. Click on 'Enable audio description' to view the audio described version of videos below.

    Practitioner reflections videos

    Why men, and what can men do to prevent violence against women?

    Learn from practitioners and allies as they discuss why it’s crucial to have men talking about and aking action to prevent men’s violence against women. 

    Men and masculinities in Australia: experiences and reflections

    Hear from practitioners and allies about their experiences and reflections about masculinities in Australia. 

    The five guiding principles in practice

    There are five guiding principles which will shape your work with men and masculinities – find out what they are and how some of Australia’s leading experts apply them in practice. 

    Working with men in violence prevention

    What are the important considerations for working with men in violence prevention, and how can you look after yourself while you’re doing this work? Practitioners discuss their tips and advice and share resources they use and how to get excited about this work. 

    Practical tips for engaging men

    Learn tips for messaging and communicating this work and how to use role models to create positive change. 

    Understanding, preparing for and responding to backlash and resistance

    Backlash and resistance are expected parts of this work and can even show that progress is being made. Find out from practitioners and allies what backlash and resistance can look like and tips for dealing with it. 

    Support guides for practitioners

    These practitioner support guides accompany each individual practitioner reflections video in series 2. The guides will support you to develop the confidence to use these videos in your work and build your capacity to work with men and address masculinities in prevention of men’s violence against women.  

    The support guides contain tips, reflective questions, extra information, links to further resources.

    Practitioner support guides – Video Series 2 (6 support guides, ZIP file)

    Practitioner support guides – Video Series 2 (6 support guides, ZIP file)

    Download ZIP (16 mb)
    Men in focus: Working together to end violence against women – video series 1

    8 short videos to build a better understanding of primary prevention and addressing masculinities and working with men and boys.