This is a collection of Our Watch webinars on the prevention of violence against women in Australia.
This webinar draws on Our Watch’s national resource Changing the picture and has been tailored specifically to workplaces, to provide insights as to why there can be a lack of safety for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and communities, what drives this violence, and what you can do to provide a safer, more respectful and engaging workplace for all. A graphic recording of this presentation is available here.
Presented by Toni Hawkins, Practice Lead - Preventing Violence Against Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Women.
'Resistance shouldn’t put off any kinds of transformative work, because if resistance isn’t occurring, then we really have to wonder whether a change initiative is challenging power dynamics and the status quo.'
– Dr. Sarah Hewitt.
Hosted by Our Watch and facilitated by Natalie Wade, this webinar explores how prevention workers can plan for and address the resistance that comes with the transformative change process.
“The success of Australia’s efforts to prevent violence against women in part depends on the size and strength of the national primary prevention workforce.”
Our Watch’s Growing with Change: developing an expert workforce to prevent violence against women, a first of its kind evidence paper, describes the current national prevention workforce and proposes a conceptual model to increase its size, capability, and coordination at a national level.
This webinar introduces the Growing with Change paper, shares learnings about workforce development and explores opportunities to strengthen and sustain the Australian primary prevention workforce in order to end violence against women.
Find all the media and reporting webinars on our YouTube playlist or watch below.
This webinar examines the key themes outlined in the Men in focus practice guide released in August 2022 by Our Watch. Through discussions with a range of prevention practitioners working in different settings, this webinar explores some practical and effective ways that people can challenge and transform socially dominant forms of masculinity, and work with men and boys in the prevention of men’s violence against women.
How can we prevent violence against women and girls with disabilities?
We partnered with Women with Disabilities Victoria for this webinar, focused on our new Changing the landscape practice resources. These resources are designed for practitioners, disability professionals and governments, exploring the links between gender inequality, ableism and violence, as well the actions you can take to prevent it.
Explore the full suite of Changing the landscape new resources.
Our Watch hosted this webinar in September 2022 to provide education policy professionals and education policy makers with an opportunity to consider good practice in Respectful relationships education.
The expert speakers on the panel of this webinar were:
This discussion is aimed at local councillors and executive staff who have the opportunity to lead initiatives to prevent violence against women in their communities.
This webinar is a partnership between Our Watch, the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) and the eight State and Territory Local Government Associations working with Our Watch to better coordinate national prevention activity in the local government sector.
This discussion is designed for local government staff working across a wide range of areas who have the opportunity to lead and support initiatives to prevent violence against women in their communities.
This webinar is a partnership between Our Watch, the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) and the eight State and Territory Local Government Associations working with Our Watch to better coordinate national prevention activity in the local government sector.
In this webinar, facilitated by Our Watch, we explored the important role of community sporting clubs, organisations and leagues in the prevention of gender-based violence. We heard from a panel of leaders as they shared insights and success stories and explored practical strategies that community sport can take to stop violence before it starts.