Respect and equality in TAFE


About this topic

TAFEs can help to create an Australia where women are safe, equal and valued.  

This topic area is for people undertaking violence prevention work at TAFEs. Find information to help you create a case for change, as well as plan and implement prevention activities, education and communications. There are also tools and resources to support you along the way. 

How to prevent violence in TAFEs

Evidence shows that for TAFEs to prevent gender-based violence they need to address what drives violence across the entire institution.

You can help stop violence and harassment. Respect and Equality in TAFE outlines a whole-of-TAFE approach and can guide you to build a TAFE that actively promotes gender equality. 

How to prevent violence in TAFEs

Take action in TAFEs

Thumbnail for Preventing violence in TAFEs: Change the story

Key TAFE resources

Respect Equality in TAFE national

An outline of the whole-of-TAFE model for building a TAFE environment that promotes gender equality and respect.

Equal space 2
  • 9 videos

Welcome to Equal Space: Resources for TAFEs to prevent violence against women and their children.

Austock000017045 three mature age students talking on campus

Respect and Equality in TAFE outlines a whole-of-TAFE approach to promote gender equality and prevent violence.

TAFE Austock000017031 Small s
  • 9 resources in this collection

Implementation steps and tools that are flexible and adaptive for your TAFE.