Welcome to Equal Space: Resources for TAFEs to prevent violence against women and their children.
These short videos and learning modules will support TAFEs to start building their knowledge about the link between a whole-of-TAFE approach to gender equality and preventing violence against women across Australia.
The videos are designed to be used as a first introduction to primary prevention to set foundations before engaging with the Respect and Equality in TAFE guides.
TAFE management, students and staff will develop an understanding of why gender equality matters at TAFE and their roles in preventing violence.
The nine videos in the series cover the following topics:
Creating equal space and unlock your prevention power
These introductory videos show how TAFE staff are uniquely positioned to influence students entering the industry, and risks of not actively preventing violence.
Prevention starts upstream and the weight of inequality
These videos will support you to understand primary prevention, how it stops violence and why the focus is on women.
Where violence comes from and the gendered drivers of violence
These videos define discrimination and violence against women, and how gender inequality leads to violence.
The anti-violence toolkit videos support TAFE staff to understand what they can do daily to create safe, equitable environments by diving deeper into what drives violence.
Check out the full video playlist on YouTube here.
Find Equal Space for TAFE and universities on YouTube here.
4 minute read
Respect and Equality in TAFE outlines a whole-of-TAFE approach to promote gender equality and prevent violence.
2 resources in this collection
An outline of the whole-of-TAFE model for building a TAFE environment that promotes gender equality and respect.