Every TAFE is different. The following implementation steps and tools are flexible and adaptive so you can choose actions that are appropriate for your TAFE. For detailed information about each step download the guide.
The Respect and Equality in TAFE guide is slightly different for the state of Victoria and is also available for download.
A range of different staff will be important in leading actions across the five domains. It’s essential that these staff members are engaged from the very beginning.
As you engage leaders across the TAFE, it is useful to do a gender equality ‘stocktake’ to understand what information exists and identify what new data needs to be collected.
The self-assessment process supports your TAFE to consider areas of strength and needs for improvement across the five domains – students, teaching and learning, workplace, communications, and industry and community.
The results will inform your tailored approach to promoting gender equality and preventing violence at your TAFE.
Your work on steps 1-3 will support you to plan strategies, actions and measures that both build on your strengths and address areas that need improvement.
Download Sample action plan (Word) (336 kb)
Monitoring and reflection is an important part of understanding your journey and will help guide any required changes as you implement your Respect and Equality in TAFE action plan.
Effective partnerships are central to the success of the whole-of-TAFE approach and to your gender equity actions. Partnerships can be with staff, students, external stakeholders, community members and industry.
Refer to the Respect and Equality in TAFE National or Victorian guide for this step.
Once you have consulted staff, students and external partners, collated the information gathered, developed a robust Respect and Equality in TAFE action plan and created a monitoring framework, the next step is implementation.
Refer to the Respect and Equality in TAFE National or Victorian guide for this step.
Once you have collected and analysed monitoring data, it’s important to interpret the results and reflect on what this means for the activities you have implemented, the adjustments required and the next steps you should take.
Refer to the monitoring guide from step 5 for this step.
4 minute read
Respect and Equality in TAFE outlines a whole-of-TAFE approach to promote gender equality and prevent violence.
Find templates, tools and other resources to support TAFEs to prevent gender-based violence.