Changing the picture

3 resources in this collection
Changing the picture


Changing the picture contains a set of clear actions that are needed to address the many drivers of violence against Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women.

Because these drivers are located right across Australian society, this is a national resource. It is intended to encourage, guide and support a national effort by many organisations and stakeholders, at many levels and in many settings.


This webinar draws on Our Watch’s national resource Changing the picture and has been tailored specifically to workplaces, to provide insights as to why there can be a lack of safety for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and communities, what drives this violence, and what you can do to provide a safer, more respectful and engaging workplace for all. A graphic recording of this presentation is available here.

Presented by Toni Hawkins, Practice Lead - Preventing Violence Against Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Women.

A group of three Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander women sitting in a row in front of a brick wall, looking away from camera and smiling.

Violence against Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women is driven by the impacts of colonisation and gender inequality.

Two women sitting at a festival with their backs to camera. They are both wearing pink tshirts with Aboriginal art designs that say 'Because of her we can'.

Aim for respect, accuracy, and fairness when reporting on violence against Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women.