Framework for action to prevent violence against women and girls with disabilities

1 resource
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    The Framework for action to prevent violence against women and girls with disabilities: A resource for governments and policymakers draws on the evidence base in Changing the landscape and is designed to support governments and policy makers in their work to prevent violence against women and girls with disabilities.

    Resource cover with white title text on dark blue background. A brush stroke reveals an image behind of a woman sitting at a desk at work, smiling. She is wearing a yellow top and a headset.

    Framework for action to prevent violence against women and girls with disabilities: A resource for governments and policymakers

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    Resource cover with dark blue title text on white background. A brush stroke reveals an image behind of a woman sitting at a desk at work, smiling. She is wearing a yellow top and a headset.

    Framework for action to prevent violence against women and girls with disabilities: A resource for governments and policymakers

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    The Framework for action:  

    • consolidates existing strategies, plans, and reforms and applies an evidence-based primary prevention lens
    • identifies a set of short, medium, and long-term proposed actions across policy, legislative and institutional reform, as well as priority settings, communities, and partnerships
    • includes design principles and tips for implementation to guide and support design, development, implementation and monitoring of plans and activities.  

    All governments have an important role and responsibility in leading and enabling this change. While there is currently no obligation for governments to implement the actions in the Framework for action, we strongly encourage its use as an evidenced-based resource to inform the development of disability and gender equality plans and strategies and to identify priority areas for reform. 

    About the Framework's development

    The Framework was developed in partnership with Women with Disabilities Victoria and informed by consultations with governments, non-government organisations and independent experts.

    It was supported by a Project Advisory Group that included members from disability, violence prevention and academic sectors.

    Yellow background with publication title in black.
    • 29 resources in this collection

    Changing the landscape is a guide to the prevention of violence against women and girls with disabilities.

    A young woman playing wheelchair basketball in a professional team.

    To prevent violence against women with disabilities we must address ableism and gender inequality.