Our Watch welcomes the opportunity to provide this submission to the Inquiry into capturing data on family violence perpetrators in Victoria.
There is currently limited national, state or territory level data collection in relation to the perpetration of family violence. The lack of reliable data on perpetration restricts our capacity to prevent this violence and effectively target those people at risk of perpetrating such violence.
Approaches to understanding and addressing violence against women have largely focused on experiences of victimisation. However, it is also important to it is answer the questions such as:
Who is perpetrating this violence?
How is violence perpetrated?
What is driving and reinforcing perpetration?
As noted in the National Plan to End Violence against Women and Children 2022-2032, we must stop asking, 'why doesn’t she just leave?' and begin asking, 'why doesn’t he stop?'
To do this in an evidence-based way, it is important to have accurate and comprehensive knowledge of the prevalence, dynamics, and drivers of perpetration. This includes data on perpetration outside of family contexts and in relation to perpetration of all forms of violence against women.
In addition to a range of suggestions and recommendations made throughout this submission, Our Watch recommends the Victorian Government:
1. Actively support a National Perpetrator Strategy which includes a National Perpetration Study.
2. Fund new studies or augment existing studies related to the perpetration of violence against women.
It is recommended that these data collections:
Find an Our Watch submission or policy brief on the topic of violence against women.