​​Submission to the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Family Safety Plan​

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    Our Watch welcomes the opportunity to provide a submission to inform the development of the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Family Safety Plan.

    Submission to the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Family Safety Plan​

    Submission to the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Family Safety Plan​

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    The development of this plan is an important milestone and presents a vital opportunity to provide a clear national framework focused on preventing violence against Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and children that reflects the vision and priorities of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities.

    Our submission to the Our Ways – Strong Ways – Our Voices: National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Family Safety Plan Engagement draws on the evidence from Changing the picture, emphasising the value of:

    • taking a primary prevention approach that addresses the drivers of violence against Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and children
    • establishing essential systems and structures that will support and sustain prevention efforts, ensuring the effectiveness and long-term impact of the National Family Safety Plan
    • applying and embedding key principles and approaches to the design, implementation and evaluation of policy and practice under the National Family Safety Plan
    • ensuring everyone has a role and responsibility.