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    Positive Duty

    This guide will help you understand how the Our Watch Workplace Equality and Respect Standards align with the AHRC Positive Duty Standards, and how they can be mapped together.

    Document cover showing young Black woman in construction gear at work.

    Positive Duty standards

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    The Respect@Work: National Inquiry into Sexual Harassment in Australian Workplaces report recommends changes to legislation to improve the prevention of and response to sexual harassment in workplaces. The amendments intend to place an onus on employers to take active measures to address the drivers of sexual harassment and violence.

    Our Watch’s Workplace Equality and Respect Standards align with the standards outlined in the AHRC guidelines, which means that working to meet the Our Watch Workplace Equality and Respect Standards places organisations in a good position to meet their positive duty obligations.

    The AHRC guiding principles of consultation, gender equality, intersectionality and being person-centered and trauma-informed are the foundation of the Workplace Equality and Respect Standards.


    Positive duty is now in effect in Australia. Our Watch held an event in partnership with the University of South Australia’s Centre of Workplace Excellence to inform and equip leaders with the knowledge needed to create safer and equal workplaces, as part of the Engaging Employers to Prevent Sexual Harassment project.