Workplace Equality and Respect resources

15 resources in this collection

These free tools and resources will support you through the Workplace Equality and Respect process to address gender inequality and prevent violence against women.

How-to guide and standards (2)

WER How to thumb

This is the overarching guide to undertake Workplace Equality and Respect in your workplace.

WER standards thumb

The Workplace Equality and Respect Standards are a set of principles to guide your workplace through the change process.

Preventing sexual harassment tools (4)

What drives sexual harassment thumb
  • 11 resources in this collection

Find tip sheets, tools and checklists to help you prevent sexual harassment in your workplace.

Lead the change banner

Find factsheets and videos on preventing sexual harassment at work.

Prevent sexual harassment young people

This paper supports employers to engage and empower young people in the promotion of safety, gender equality and respect in their workplace.

Safe to Speak resource
  • 2 resources in this collection

Resources to help teams create safe-to-speak cultures that assist workplaces in meeting their positive duty obligations.

Templates, tools and checklists (5)

WER Readiness assessment thumb

This tool can help you determine if your workplace meets the requirements to undertake a culture change program.

WER Leaderhsip committment thumb

This checklist will help you to ensure commitment from board members and senior executives.

Gender equality indicators

This tool will help your workplace establish a benchmark using a list of gender equality indicators.

Org snapshot template thumb

Use this template to collate information on your workplace culture gathered during the benchmarking process.

Action plan template thumb

This tool can help you to prioritise and plan for change based on the needs and priorities of your workplace.

Practice guidance (1)

PG support staff experiencing violence thumb
  • 5 resources in this collection

These resources dive deeper into issues related to workplace violence prevention initiatives, for example, supporting staff experiencing violence.